where did the civilization in india began

where did civilizations and human settlements take place in India

As we all know India has very old and rich culture country, where we can find civilizations dating back to thousands of years ago, in this post lets discuss about the civilizations that that started after 8000 BC.

before going to civilizations we should be able to understand some basic concepts like

what are the essential things for humans to survive during the ancient times???
1.Food: either through hunting and gathering or through crop cultivation and animal husbandry.

2.Water: hunting and gathering can be done where there is animal life but for crop cultivation and settlements the water is most important.
3.Geography and climatic conditions: for the humans to survive geography and climatic conditions play a very important role, geographic advantages provide protection from enemies, predators ,floods, tsunamis etc., and climatic conditions are also very important like droughts ,natural disasters etc.

India has a very advantageous geographical topology , Himalayas and mountains in the north with very harsh climates to cross those regions provide protection on the north, and the south is surrounded by the great India ocean , so its not a surprise that India has the most ancient civilizations and cultures on the planet.

In the above map there is a river called Narmada ,People have lived along the banks of this river for several hundred thousand years. Some of the earliest people who lived here were skilled gatherers, — that is, people who gathered their food. They knew about the vast wealth of plants in the surrounding forests, and collected roots, fruits and other forest produce for their food. They also hunted animals.

In the map Sulaiman and Kirthar hills to the northwest. Some of the areas where women and men first began to grow crops such as wheat and barley about 8000 years ago are located here. People also began rearing animals like sheep, goat, and cattle, and lived in villages.

Garo hills to the north-east and the Vindhyas in central India. These were some of the other areas where agriculture developed. The places where rice was first grown are to the north of the Vindhyas.

 Trace the river Indus and its tributaries (tributaries are smaller rivers that flow into a larger river). About 4700 years ago, some of the earliest cities flourished on the banks of these rivers. Later, about 2500 years ago, cities developed on the banks of the Ganga and its tributaries, and along the sea coasts. Locate the Ganga and its tributary called the Son. In ancient times the area along these rivers to the south of the Ganga was known as Magadha now lying in the state of Bihar. Its rulers were very powerful, and set up a large kingdom. Kingdoms were set up in other parts of the country as well. Throughout, people travelled from one part of the subcontinent to another. The hills and high mountains including the Himalayas, deserts, rivers and seas made journeys dangerous at times, but never impossible. So, men and women moved in search of livelihood, as also to escape from natural disasters like floods or droughts. Sometimes men marched in armies, conquering others’ lands. Besides, merchants travelled with caravans or ships, carrying valuable goods from place to place. And religious teachers walked from village to village, town to town, stopping to offer instruction and advice on the way. Finally, some people perhaps travelled driven by a spirit of adventure, wanting to discover new and exciting places. All these led to the sharing of ideas between people.


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