My Trading journey Episode 1

Hi guys,
I have been struggling financially all my life , working part-time, hustling and studying. Then one fine day I read an article talking about financial freedom, immediately I understood that this is what I wanted, so that I can do whatever I like and feel comfortable about it without any anxiety about how would I pay my bills.

Then I started reading books of many great authors , then I understood the concepts of Assets and Liabilities, and I understood the that I should build Assets and remove all the Liabilities so that one day my Assets will payoff all my bills and I would be free to do anything I like , but I had only 7000 rupees(90$) in my bank account and at that time I was giving private home tuition earning 6000rupees a month and going to college from 9 to 4 .

Obviously I can't invest in real-estate, so I chose stock market because it requires less capital and liquidity is high , I can take out my money whenever I wanted to, again I found another roadblock🤣

Even if the fundamental of the stock is very strong , I can't invest that 7000 and wait years for it to become rich, The realty was that I cannot build Assets that could pay off my bills and make my life comfortable with just 7000 rupees , for that I need to keep making money and invest it in Assets,  so I decided to trade stocks .

That decision to only trade landed me in a tough spot, I started trading blindly only using fundamental analysis was a big mistake, that too without any stoploss 🤣🤣, I lost almost 15% of my capital in few days.

My first big loss was that I bought HDFC BANK stock that day as an intraday position and hoping that it would go up and give me good returns, little did I expect was that it went down bad, first the loss was 100 then its slowly started growing, I 
thought I would wait a little bit so that I would break even and then I will exit the trade, but it went down further down to 200 , then I thought atleast let me wait till the Loss went back to 100 , but then it went down further to 300 ,still being a sheep at that time I didn't knew any better so I waited till the market's closing time and exit just a minute before closing time. 
I know a loss of 300 rupees is not much but at that time it was a lot to me back in 2019. I was devastated , I hated myself for not exiting at the loss of 100rupees or atleast 200rupees.
Then I started trading again and the same thing happened a few times , then I realized that something was off (Present me: a lot is off you idiot, you are not keeping the stoploss dumbest) , so I decided that I will take a break for a few months and learn, then start trading again. What I had learned in that break was...

To Be Continued...
Thanks guys for reading
If you like it please share to your fellow traders , so that they can learn from my mistakes .
(If any grammatical mistakes please forgive me.)


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