The First Printed Books

Page from Diamond sutra which is oldest known printed book in the world The first printing technology has been found in China, Japan and Korea. These had a system where books were printed by hand. In China from the year 594 onwards Books were printed by rubbing paper against an inked woodblocks, both the sides of a paper were printed and and stitched at the side , these were called as "Chinese Accordion Book". there were duplicated by hand by very talented calligraphist with so much accuracy During that time Imperial state of China was the massive producer of the printed material and it had a vast system of bureaucracy which hired people through civil service examinations, Textbooks for these exam were hugely printed the imperial state. By the 17th century urbanization in china led to the birth of new uses of printing. as in the past print was not only available to the scholars, it is also available to merchants and other people in the society, which led to the development of...